Special person, special chart...And what is it that makes the chart of Mozart that special?
1. Venus is calling!
Venus is not making aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees. That makes the planet of style, beauty and talents a prominent planet in this chart. Venus is one of the components to create artistic skills. The other one is Neptune...
2. Mercury-Neptune with MC
Neptune is sextile Midheaven
Mercury is trine Midheaven
Mercury rules the Midheaven and is opposition Neptune. This again illustrates art related to the career. Together they symbolize artistic communications.
3. Venus AND Uranus important...
Music often is related to Venus-Uranus for sense of rhythm. The chart of Mozart has it: Venus is 'calling'(see 1.) and Uranus is angular (on a prominent spot on the Descendant).
4. Moon-Venus
The Moon is quintile Venus. The quintile is a creative aspect. Moon-Venus combinations symbolize sense of art. Moon quintile Venus shows a creative sense of art and beauty.
5. Sun/Moon related to Venus
I almost forgot to mention that Venus is in Aquarius and related to the midpoint Sun/Moon: he was in heart and soul a talented person!
6. Saturn rules the 5th house of (pro-)creativity. Mozart was creative and procreative. He had a lot of children and unfortunately some of them died young.
So far the artistic pattern. But there is more...
7. Lots of combinations for successes
The amount of midpoint and aspect combinations for success is amazing! I counted 18, and that is a lot and that is why he is still a success today.
8.The Ascendant in the 13th degree of Virgo is a degree of harmony and serenity.
And here are indicated circumstances:
9. The background...
Moon is exactly conjunct Pluto in the 4th house and quintile Venus, sextile Jupiter. This is not only a combination for success (Moon, Jupiter, Pluto and Venus, Jupiter,Pluto) but also gives us information about his early years. He had to go on tour with his father at age 8 years old! Today we should call this exploitation. Another thing is that his environment and education (Moon) was important as a background. His father was a composer, too.
Notice that pnly people born around the hour hat Mozart was born have such a combination and in those days, few people were born at the same hour. But what does it mean? You could read the pattern like this: enormous (Pluto) progression (Jupiter) with an artistic (Venus) ingenuity (Moon), an great potential of sense of art as a background (the 4th house).
10. Unlimited ideas...
Sun and Mercury are in opposition with Neptune. Besides unlimited fantasy this combination also creates delusions like the ones he had in his last years. Though this overload of ideas made him very productive (also notice that Mars is square Aries Point for production), it certainly may have made him vulnerable, too.
What makes this chart so special is the unique mixture of great talent, genes, education and a busy life full of chances with the tragedy of every days life on the background.
For more about Mozart's chart, life and progressions, see my site Astromarkt...
2 opmerkingen:
This "calling" thing is quite new to me so I hope I'm understanding this correctly - you're talking about an unaspected planet right ? Well, one that doesn't make major aspects ....
In Mozart's chart Venus is exactly 1 degree from an exact trine to Mars ... Is there something I'm not getting ?
Hi Mara, sorry for the late answer. A 'calling' planet is a planet that is not making a major aspect in sign or in orb 5 degrees. The trine is a trine (of course), but out of sign. That is what makes Venus 'calling'. Venus does not make any major aspect in Aquarius any more. I would like to add that Venus is 'rushing' into the artistic sign Pisces.
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