Eros Ramazzotti, the singer, was born October 28, 1963. Astrothème.fr says that he was born at 11. I had my doubts about that. And I found an Italian site for astrology, Astre i Gossip that mentioned: 11:30 a.m. That is better! That will place Mercury on the Midheaven and Mercury is the planet of the voice. The placement on the MC tells us that his career goes together with communications.

The midpoint of Sun/Moon (heart and soul) is the crossing point of will and desire. Mercury, Venus and Pluto are connected to this midpoint and they are in mutual reception (Mercury in Libra, Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Virgo). In my book AstroTrio I name the combination of Mercury, Venus and Pluto that of ‘an artist with a drive’.
Had you not know that Eros is the famous singer, you can find it in his chart by looking at Venus – ruler MC – quintile Uranus and conjunct Neptune. The combination of Venus with Uranus and/or Neptune is frequent in the charts of singers!
Eros almost ended his career as a bookkeeper (MC in Libra semi square Pluto for the financial axis). But we were lucky. He had a break through in 1084 with transit Pluto conjunct Sun and progressed Sun sesquisquare progressed Jupiter. Pluto and Jupiter joined forces for success. The 3rd indication for this break through is the aspect of the progressed Moon trine progressed Jupiter. There is no better aspect, believe me!
Of course it takes a willing birth chart to break through. Ascendant, MC and Moon are connected with Jupiter/Pluto. That is again 3 times success. I also counted more than 12 midpoint combination that indicates progress and success.
Jupiter is inconjunct Pluto in his chart for the price you pay for getting rich and famous. Jupiter is the retrograding ruler of the Ascendant and that brings us to his ‘being shy’.
Eros is a Scorpio. Scorpio’s are strong in defending private territory. So is Eros. On the English Wiki you find that he should be suspicious with little real close friends. They are quoting him about his youth. As a confirmation I found the Moon in Pisces opposition Uranus and the combination of Sun Scorpio and Moon in Pisces (for being mysterious or very – Pluto – sensitive – Neptune -).

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