Mariah Carey (27th March 1970, 11h45 a.m. NY) is a born artist and her chart shows it. Venus - for talents - is on top of her chart, in an obsessive quindecile of 165 degrees with Uranus and in mutual reception with the dispositor of the Midheaven (Mars). Venus-Uranus combinations are most of the time present in the charts of singers. It also happens to be one of the combinations in a females' chart that is reflecting a possible divorce.
The artistic pattern is constructed by Moon conjunct Neptune in the fifth house, by the passionate mutual reception of Venus and Mars (the rulers of the Midheaven routing), starting with the MC in Pisces. Neptune is 157.5 degrees from ASC/MC and Mercury (for writing or singing) 67.5 degrees from Sun/Moon. The Moon is in the fifth house of performance and show, conjunct Neptune (the planet of arts).
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